Saturday, February 20, 2010

RUNNER-Volume: XVII No.31,Dated 16th February, 2010

RI President: Rtn John Kelly Dist Governor: Rtn Utpal Majumdar
President: Rtn Kuldip Singh Virdi
Secretary: Rtn Sanjay Kumar Kanodia
Editor: Rtn Pradip Kumar Pal.

Today’s Programme:

Felicitation to Nigerian Medical Team:

A joint meeting to celebrate World Understanding & Peace month on the theme Serving beyond Borders has felicitated the delegation of Nigerian Rotarians behind the success of the recent Rotary Medical Mission of our District 3291 jointly with D-3240, was held last Thursday, the 11th February, 2010 at Hotel Hindusthan International, Kolkata, followed by fellowship and dinner.

RI Director Nominee Rtn Shekhar Mehta (Zone 6A) was Chief Guest, Dist Governor Rtn Utpal Majumdar was Guest of Honour, ARRFC Rtn Ravi Sehgal (Zone 6A) and PDG Rtn Saliu Ahmed (RID 9125, Nigeria) were Special Guests.

Our Club was one of the co host of the event.

Incoming Club Events:

Eye Check Up Programme at Oxford Mission, D.H. Road:
Will be held on Sunday, the 21st February, 2010 at 10 A.M. onwards.
Screening will be conducted for IOL operations to be held very soon
by Susrut Eye Foundation.

Blood Donation Camp:
21st February, 2010 (Sunday) at Mondal Temple Lane, Kol-53
There were 60 voluntary blood donors donated blood in our last Blood Donation Camp held on Sunday the 14th February in association with Tollygunje Yubak Sangha.

Inauguration Programme for Matching Grant Computer Programme

A project under Matching Grant No 72074 of TRF for English Language Teaching for students from the under privileged section of the community and sponsored by Rotary Club of Sobarnte, Dist 5160 in cooperation with Janhabi Sudha Trustwill be inaugurated on Wednesday, the 24th February, 2010 at 3.30 P.M. At Dr Triguna Sen Auditorium of Alumni Association NCE Bengal & Jadavpur University Campus, Gate No. 3, KOl-32 and will be followed by Tea and Snacks.

Chief Guest: Rtn Utpal Majumdar, Dist Governor RI Dist 3291
Guest of Honour: Dr Ajoy Kumar Roy, Vice Chancellor, BESU.
Special Guests:PP Rtn Ranjit Chakraborty, R.C. Danville/Sycamore, Dist 5160
PDG Rtn Debasish Mitra DRFC Chair, RID-3291

All members are requested to take note of this and attend positively.
For programme details please contact Secretary Rtn Sanjay.
Felicitation to outgoing GSE Team to Germany:

Will be held today at our Regular Meeting.
The members of the team are:
Rtn Tapas Bhattacharjee (Team Leader)
Ms Mahananda Kanjilal.
Ms Sabri Hazra
Mr Subhrojyoti Banerjee
Mr Souvick Kumar Chandra

RCC District Conference ( Bihan):
will be held on 19th to 21st Feb, 2010 at Rabindra Bhawan,
Diamond Harbour, 24 Pgns (S) Host: R.C. of Kabitirtha.

Heart to Heart Surgery:

We have submitted along with our sponsorship amount cheque, a third case for
Heart Treatment at DG’s office for 16 Year old girl child Ms Sandipika Kumari
forwarded by President Rtn Kuldip

Birthday Greetings:

17th February: PP Rtn Utpal Majumdar

Wedding Anniversary:

16th February: Rtn Tarun Banerjee with Anne Bani
20th February: Rtn Subhash Agarwal with Anne Mira

Minutes of the 760th Regular Weekly Club Meeting held on 11th February, 2010
at Hotel Hindusthan at 7 P.M.
It was a joint meeting with other eleven clubs.
President, Rtn Kuldip Singh Virdi sang National Anthem with other co-host Rotary Club Presidents and meeting was called to order.
The programme was conducted by DRFC Rtn Debasish Mitra.

Club Statistics
Total Members: 28
Members Present 12




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By profession I am in Civil Engineering Business, Projects on turnkey basis, Real Estate and Business Networking of Multinational Company.Being a Rotarian of RI Dist. 3291 engaged in community services too.

About This Blog

Rotary international is a worldwide organization of businessmen and professionals.Its motto is "service above self".

It gives us the biggest opportunity to serve the mankind. Since 1905 the organization has been serving the people through Health, Humanity and Hunger projects for promotion of world peace at large.

RC Calcutta South City, a member of Rotary International has given me the opportunity to disseminate its various magnanimous projects to the people of the world.

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